Appleford School Outreach Talk

On 7th February, Lia, Tsz and Rajeev visited Appleford School in Shrewton, near Salisbury, to present as part of their STEM week.  

The pupils learnt about where and how inertial sensors are used in their everyday lives and where Zero Point Motion’s inertial sensors will be used in the future. The pupils were surprised to find out they had inertial sensors in the watches on their wrists and in the phones in their pockets. Tsz and Rajeev also spoke about their backgrounds and the journey which led them to Zero Point Motion.  

As one Innovate UK’s Women in Innovation award recipient, Lia is committed to being a role model to young people and aims to inspire women to take up a career in STEM.  

Thank you to the excellent students and staff at Appleford School. It was great to see how many of the students were excited about the future of technology from the metaverse all the way to autonomous vehicles.


Welcome Alex!


Dr Mike Short CBE visits ZPM